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Ontmoet het team

Jeanne Donkoh
Founder of Bioko Treats, Jeanne started her chocolate making journey in December 2016 after training at Barry Callebaut Chocolate Academy. Her company was initially named Treat Confections, but in late 2017, she changed the name to Bioko Treats.
Although she started out as a chocolatier, using couverture to make pralines, etc., she got into making bean to bar chocolates three years ago when a medical facility asked if she could make them sugar free chocolates for their diabetic patients. After taking an online class with Ecole Chocolat, she started making small batch dark chocolate.
Bioko treats currently produces approximately two tonnes of dark and milk chocolate per year. Having seen growth in both the bean to bar and confectionery sides of the business, Bioko Treats have begun to attract customers outside of Ghana.
Jeanne has really enjoyed helping one cocoa farmer with making her first batch of 70% chocolate and would like to do more of that. While her background is originally in marketing, she's had some experience in organizational mentoring and would like to bring this experience to the Cross Atlantic Collective.

Leticia A. Yankey
Leticia A Yankey ( @leticiayankey ), is een ervaren cacaoboer en eigenaar van een cacaoboerderij van 14 hectare in Ghana.
Leticia Ama-Kowoa Yankey is een groot voorstander van Ghana's Youth in Cocoa Initiative en heeft als doel om in de komende 5 jaar de National Best Cocoa Farmer te worden.
Ze raakte geïnteresseerd in cacaoteelt toen ze zich vestigde bij boerencacaoboeren in het Upper Denkyira-district, waar ze vroeger voorlichting gaf over hiv/aids en tuberculose. Ze begon haar eigen cacaoplantage in 2010 en heeft momenteel een cacaoplantage van 14 hectare met een jaarlijkse opbrengst van 3,5 ton. Ze is ook de oprichter van Cocoa Mmaa ( @cocoammaa ), een coöperatie die vrouwelijke cacaoboeren sterker wil maken.
Leticia heeft een Bachelor of Education en Commonwealth Executive Master in Public Administration van respectievelijk de University of Cape Coast en de Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. We zijn zo blij met Leticia's krachtige, dynamische en visionaire energie als partner van The Cross Atlantic Chocolate Collective!

Nana Aduna II
CEO, Ohene Cocoa
Nana Aduna II (known in private life as Dr. Yao Mfodwo) is the current Akyeamehene of the Akuapem Traditional Area; a landowner, and Head of the Agona Clan of Akropong and the Adwumako Family.
He is a consultant psychiatrist trained in the winelands of Stellenbosch, South Africa, with experience as a product physician in the pharmaceutical industry. These experiences in addition to a lineage of cultivating cocoa since the 1920s influenced his passion for cocoa farming / production.

Fragment uit de film, Cacao Road met Leticia Yankey